Easter Bunny Banned!!
That's right, folks. They didn't take direction from me, nor did they take it from God . . . but the folks at the Newport, Rhode Island school district did the Lord's Will without knowing it!
Some call Easter Bunny ban hare-brained, but others agree
Saturday, March 24, 2007
By Gina Macris, Journal Staff WriterTIVERTON — The ban on the Easter Bunny’s appearance at the middle-school craft fair today has raised the ire of cottontail lovers everywhere — especially at the New York offices of the Catholic League. [There's a surprise . . .Emphasis mine.]
At the direction of Schools Supt. William Rearick, Peter Rabbit will replace the Easter Bunny at a photo booth sponsored by the Parent-Teacher Council at today’s craft fair, a switch that caught the attention of Catholic League president Bill Donahue in Manhattan.
Donahue, who represents 300,000 members nationwide, said in a statement that it is “unconscionable that in this day and age Superintendent Rearick would choose to
honor a thief.”
“As every schoolchild knows, Peter Rabbit stole from Mr. McGregor’s garden,” Donahue said. [I suppose it'd be far better to honor the cult of Ba'al/Moloch? Child sacrifices and all?]. . .
About 120 e-mails from outraged members of the Catholic League had landed in [the superintendent's] in box before day’s end. [Emphasis mine.]
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The Catholic League describes itself as the nation’s largest Catholic civil-rights organization, which although not part of the Church, defends individual Catholics and Catholicism from defamation and discrimination. [I didn't know the Easter Bunny was a Catholic. Wait, yes I did.]
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Donahue noted it was “not a Jew or a Muslim who complained about the Easter Bunny,” but the vice chairman of the School Committee, Michael Burk, whom he characterized as an “ex-Catholic.”
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In Cranston, Asst. Supt. Peter Nero said, “We probably have a number of principals who have Santa Claus outfits in their closets who can’t use them anymore, because a few years ago we understood them to be symbols of Christmas.
“I think the same would hold true for the Easter Bunny.”
Now, you already know my position on the Catholic Cult's involvement in promoting the symbols of the Babylonian cult of Ba'al and, in fact, the very creation of "Easter", bypassing the celebration of Passover commanded by God in the Bible for their own traditions. You don't? Read my post on the subject here.
Now that you're up to speed, do you find it as interesting as I do that the group vigorously speaking out against the Bunny Ban, and with rudeness and sarcasm to boot, is the Catholic League?
The Easter Bunny is no more a part of Christianity than Santa Claus, yet the Catholic League attacks a school district for dumping a symbol of a pagan fertility goddess. Why? What do you think? I'd like to hear an explanation, if somebody has one.
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