Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Fred and Shirley Phelps Can't Get Story Straight on VA Tech

Folks, as correct as Fred Phelps is about God's Scripturally-stated feelings toward homosexuals and witches, he has once again overstepped his bounds as a mere mortal and ascribed motives of his own imagining to God's actions. This time, he has decided that homosexuals aren't involved; God used the killer at Virginia Tech to avenge an alleged attack on Phelps!

Have a look at one of his websites at http://www.godhatesamerica.com/ Quoted from that site:

WBC to Preach at Funerals of Virginia Tech Dead

WBC will preach at the funerals of the Virginia Tech students killed on campus during a shooting rampage April 16, 2007. You describe this as monumental horror, but you know nothing of horror -- yet. Your bloody tyrant Bush says he is 'horrified' by it all. You know nothing of horror -- yet. Your true horror is coming. "They shall also gird themselves with sackloth, and horror shall cover them; and shame shall be upon all faces, and baldness upon all their heads" (Eze. 7:18).

Why did this happen, you ask? It's simple. On April 16, 2007, this nation, through the offices of your military and conspirators therewith took a shot at the servants of God -- your marksman was limp and lame and he had terror all around, so he did a lousy job. But what you get for your trouble is that your God shot at you! The LORD your God sent a crazed madman to shoot at your children, and he didn't miss. Get this straight -- God sent this South Korean madman to kill 31 of your children at Virginia Tech. Was God asleep while this took place? Was He on vacation? Of course not. He willed this to happen to punish you for assailing His servants.

Phelps here appears to claim that someone of the U.S. government attacked him or a member of his cult, and that God responded by murdering students in Virginia. Apparently, Phelps feels himself to be in very close contact with our Lord!

Oddly, Fred seems to have neglected to mention this event to daughter Shirley.

Here's a blurb from their main site, at http://www.godhatesfags.com/featured/dearshirley/2007/20070416_DearShirley50.pdf

We’ll Tell You "Why" The Virginia Tech Massacre – A Lovely Divine Irony And
Righteous Judgment Against This Impudent Nation

Shirley Phelps writes:

The problem with your statement about what those children were doing at that University is that is left out the most important element of what they were doing there. The so called higher education system of this nation has a primary objective and that is to teach rebellion against God to every child they can get their hands on. That is also the primary objective of the lying false prophets that litter the landscape of Doomed america. That is also the primary objective of the parents of Doomed america. Since the teaching of rebellion against God leads to eternal death, also called hell, your God, in a piece of lovely Divine irony has used that very institution that is leading them to eternal death, to be the place where they receive death, or is the launch point from which each of those children entered hell! Make no mistake, crybaby Kisber - they are in hell! PERIOD! They will be in hell for eternity - that is - for ever and ever and ever - no end of days - no relief from the eternal torment, no days off for good behavior, etc.

This is a perfect execution of judgment by a righteous God to a disobedient and rebellious nation and generation!

It seems Fred and Shirley forgot to check their stories with one another, even after running them past God!

Much as Pastors Feelgood across the nation are obsessed with just one part or a few parts of the Bible (frequently John 3:16), Phelps and family are obsessed with homosexuals and witchcraft. Just like Pastors Feelgood, the Phelps family claims to know God's Will, beyond what the Bible says. Just like Pastors Feelgood, the Phelps family ignores the majority of God's Word, cherry-picking the verses they wish to obsess upon.

The Phelps family is just as misleading as any Pastor Feelgood. They commit lies of omission against God's Word on a daily basis, just like Pastors Feelgood, and teach them to others. They alter through addition and deletion God's Word, just like Pastors Feelgood.

They will be condemned to the eternal tortures of the Lake of Fire. Just like Pastors Feelgood.

How do I know this? Am I deciding what God's Will is? No. I'm reading it!

Revelation 22:18-19

18 For I testify unto every man that heareth the words of the prophecy of this book, If any man shall add unto these things, God shall add unto him the plagues that are written in this book:
19 And if any man shall take away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part out of the book of life, and out of the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.
So it is written. I hope the Phelps family wakes up to God's Word before it is too late for them.

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