Emilio Gonzales: God Wins (As Usual)
If you've not been following the story, a little boy named Emilio Gonzales in Austin, Texas has been suffering from Leigh's Disease. This horrific genetic degenerative disorder always ends in death:
Leigh's disease is a rare inherited neurometabolic disorder characterized by degeneration of the central nervous system. Leigh's disease can be caused by mutations in mitochondrial DNA or by deficiencies of an enzyme called pyruvate dehydrogenase. Symptoms of Leigh's disease usually begin between the ages of 3 months to 2 years and progress rapidly. In most children, the first signs may be poor sucking ability and loss of head control and motor skills. These symptoms may be accompanied by loss of appetite, vomiting, irritability, continuous crying, and seizures. As the disorder progresses, symptoms may also include generalized weakness, lack of muscle tone, and episodes of lactic acidosis, which can lead to impairment of respiratory and kidney function. Heart problems may also occur.
That certainly sounds like torture to me. What do you think?
As discussed elsewhere on this blog, we know from the Bible that all things which happen on Earth and in the universe are God's Will. Either He causes things to happen, or He knowingly (being omniscient) allows them to occur, having decided not to stop them. Either way, this makes every event His Will.
Is this not so? Denying it would be blasphemy!
Of course, this means that God decided to confer upon little Emilio a brief, torturous existence. Yes, either God intentionally slowly killed Emilio with this tragic disease, or He knowingly allowed Emilio to die of the disease. The end result, of course, is the same: God's Will is done.
In December, God had decided Emilio would die. What happened? The disobedient doctors at Children's Hospital in Austin put him on artificial life support, defying God's Will!
In time, perhaps with prayer, these doctors realized that what they were doing was wrong. They were denying God, Creator of all (including Leigh's Disease) His rightful place in deciding the time of Emilio's death. They announced that it was time to stop interfering with God.
The mother went to court, demanding that the doctors continue to blaspheme the sacredness of God-ordained death with artificial support!
Finally, of course, God won out:
Emilio Gonzales died in his mother's arms Saturday night at Children's Hospital of Austin, Texas, family attorney Jerri Ward said. (Watch how baby Emilio fought for his life )
"God chose to take Emilio at this time," Ward said.
Amazing. The lawyer who expended so much effort (and garnered so much publicity) fighting God's Will has the gall to claim that God didn't choose to take Emilio in December, but rather now!
Meanwhile, what has the hospital's lawyer to say?
"We mourn the death of Emilio Gonzales," Michael Regier, senior vice president of legal services for the Seton Family of Hospitals, said in a statement. "We pray that in the days and weeks to come, Emilio's mother and family will be comforted by God's loving presence and by the knowledge that Emilio's earthly suffering is now ended."
Amazing. All these people, every one of whom fought God's Will, now compound their error by invoking His Holy Name!
I sincerely hope that this crew of blasphemers -- lawyers, parents, and doctors -- can come to Jesus before it is too late for them to be saved!
What of little Emilio? Surely God had a reason for sentencing an innocent to die so horrible and painful a death!
Not being God, I cannot claim to know His thoughts beyond what He says in His Word, the Bible. I will not speculate as to His reasons for inflicting this torture upon an infant. Rather, I will bring up the lessons I see that we can all learn.
First, God's Will always will be done. You can pull together all the lawyers and doctors and machines you like, but if God wants something to happen, it will. This case, like the Terri Schiavo case, illustrates this truth in no uncertain terms.
Second, I've learned a lesson by reading other blogs on this issue. The United States has many millions of Hispanic citizens. Note that I use the word, "citizens". However, upon many a blog (either in the post or in comments), I've seen heartless people complaining endlessly about how these Gonzales people must be illegal aliens, using "our" tax dollars to pay for life support! Yet not one of these very "concerned" individuals cares a whit about disobedience to God; just that a fraction of their taxes might go to help someone they don't believe to be deserving!
Here's a news flash: 43 million Americans are Hispanic, as of 2005. That's a lot. 14% of the total population. Of that total, 7.6 million voted in 2004, and 1.1 million are in the armed services. Only citizens can do those things.
Most Hispanic folks are Catholic, and on the fast train to Hell. Some have come to America, seeking freedom from Papist oppression, and some were born here. Would you not better spend your time helping them understand that praying to Mary is the same as praying to Satan, instead of worrying about how much they've paid in taxes this year?
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